Where Fair Housing and ADA Collide: Decoding Disability Distinctions

March 06, 2025
60 Mins
Doug Chasick

Once again, complaints alleging discrimination due to a disability accounted for over half of all fair housing complaints. Once again, multifamily professionals and owners are faced with correctly navigating complex legal frameworks designed to protect individuals with disabilities. Once again, it appears that as an industry, we’re not doing a great job!

Two key laws, the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), have overlapping protections for individuals with disabilities, but they also contain important distinctions that property managers must understand in order to ensure full compliance. (And yes, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 also comes into play, however only for assets receiving federal funding.)

This fast-paced 60 minute session will provide you with a clear understanding of the critical distinctions between the FHA and ADA as they pertain to individuals with disabilities. We’ll not only cover the basics of both laws but also delve into scenarios where their provisions may intersect, offering practical insights on how to navigate these intersections to avoid costly mistakes and potential legal consequences.

Webinar Objectives
  • Understand the key differences and similarities between the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Be able to identify when the FHA and ADA may overlap and how to address issues that arise in these situations.
  • Understand the legal definitions of disability under both laws and their implications for multifamily housing.
  • Gain clarity on reasonable accommodations and modifications, including who is responsible for costs and the types of accommodations/modifications that may be requested.
  • Learn how to appropriately handle requests for assistance animals and the potential pitfalls in managing such requests under both laws.
  • Understand the role of accessibility requirements in housing under the ADA and FHA and how they affect property owners and managers.
  • Gain practical strategies for ensuring compliance with both the FHA and ADA while minimizing legal risks.
Webinar Highlights
  • Application: What do ADA and FHA cover?
  • Overlap: Where do they overlap and which takes precedence?
  • Definitions: similarities and differences
  • Managing requests
  • Verification and documentation
  • Reasonable accommodations
  • Reasonable modifications
  • Reasonable alternatives
  • The Interactive Process
Who Should Attend

Regional/Area Managers, Community Managers and Assistant Managers, Leasing Managers, Training, Compliance and HR Professionals.

Doug Chasick

Doug Chasick

Doug Chasick, CPM®, CAPS, CAS, ADV. RAM, CLP, SLE, CDEI Doug Chasick, “That Fair Housing Guy”, and former President of The Fair Housing Institute, has more than 46 years of investment real estate experience, and has been the President or CEO of five real estate companies, responsible for portfolios of over 28,000 apartments, and more than 8 million square feet of commercial, retail and industrial properties. Doug was awarded his Certified Property Manager designation in 1979 and was a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management National Faculty for eight years. He is a Senior Instructor member of the National Apartment Association Education Institute Faculty and…

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