The Power of Resolving Conflict for Property Management Professionals; Keep Peace, Your Cool and Your Residents/ Customers

August 29, 2024
75 Mins
Anne Sadovsky

What to do When a Resident is in Your Face!

60% of customers stop doing business with any given business because of the way they are spoken to or treated by a staff member. People are stressed for many reasons; concern for their future, unable to pay their bills, worried about their and other’s health and what our world will look like in the future.

Join this session by expert speaker Anne Sadovsky, where she will discuss how to stay calm when residents are upset and blaming. She will also explain how to use words that work to create a peaceful environment and keep satisfied residents. You will develop skills in resolving conflict, keep you customers, live a more peaceful life and maintain a kind and gentle workplace.

Webinar Objectives

Today people have a short fuse, get angry, take their personal problems out on your team members. We forget that the customer is OUR paycheck. This webinar will help you learn How to calm hostile people.

Webinar Agenda
  • Why is conflict resolution so important?
  • why can’t we get along?
  • The Likeability Factor
  • Understand People at Their Worst
  • Getting from conflict to resolution
  • How we are evaluated by our residents and team members
  • You will become more likable and a peacemaker, not only to others but to yourself.
  • Loss of productivity, emotional unrest, loss of relationships
  • You will learn usable techniques and how to calm people during these trying times.
  • Improve your communication/people skills and keep the peace.
  • It is also a matter of your safety.
Webinar Highlights
  • Have an attitude of the resolution, want to be at peace and productive
  • Take personal responsibility and don’t take things personally
  • Let go of the past
  • Focus on the solution
  • The only person you can change is you
  • Dealing with different personalities
Who Should Attend
  • Owner/Operators
  • Management Company Executives
  • Regional Supervisors
  • On-site Property Managers and Assistants
  • Leasing Team
  • Maintenance Techs
Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky has been in the apartment industry five decades and is a former V P of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. Her credentials include NAAEI Advanced Facilitator, CAM, and CAPS. She is a contributing writer for many publications, had earned a Texas Real Estate license and certified Speaking credentials from the National Speakers Association. She was named one of the top trainers in the industry by Multi-Housing News and both the Brainstorming Conference and the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas have honored Anne with Legends Awards. Anne has chaired and served on many education committees for major conferences. She has…

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