Resolving Conflict at Work and in Life

April 05, 2024
90 Mins
Bob Oberstein
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If you have not had or never will have any conflict at either work or in your life, then you do not need this webinar. But if you are like everyone else and either have had or might have conflict in your future, then read on! That’s because whether we like it or not and no matter how much we might try to avoid it; conflict will always find us and be a part of our lives.  So, like it or not and regardless as to whether or not we accept that fact of life, we need to understand the true nature and underpinnings of what conflict is. This is because once we can be open to learning about and applying the ways, techniques and approaches as to how to constructively deal with conflict in both work and life then we can productively move past conflict!

Have you left a job, or project or perhaps no longer have anything or as little as possible to do with or talk to “that” person or relative? Has this limited in any way your ability to function professionally or socially? If so, then you are being controlled by the conflict and resulting impasse. If you are happy with this outcome of being controlled by conflict at work and in life, then this webinar is not for you. But if you want to know how to get beyond /resolve that impasse and instead learn about the many ways to control and resolve conflict not only at work but in life as well and get beyond impasse and possibly keep yourself out of court and improve outcomes as well as relationships than this webinar has much to offer you.

Every conflict or impasse has two possible outcomes of either “danger or opportunity.” And all too often we respond to what we perceive as the “danger” half of the conflict equation which results in our not only getting stuck in an impasse of our own making but also in missing out on any potential opportunity for resolving the conflict!  But there are better ways to address conflict and especially when you are mired in an impasse which, like quicksand, prevents you from moving forward and keeps pulling you back so you stay stuck!  This webinar will focus on how to become “unstuck” so you can rise above the quicksand and move beyond the danger towards that otherwise missed opportunity by treating the conflict as an opportunity to resolve the impasse/dispute.

But it’s all about the skills and processes necessary to do so and that is where this webinar can help you both professionally at work and in life.  Attendees will learn about the skill sets and processes necessary to “Get Over It” regardless of what it is and to change it to future possibilities so all can move on. Among these processes are the effective use of time, information and power, the art of questions and listening, mediation and arbitration including the various subsets of each and the different styles and techniques both mediators and arbitrators apply to assist the parties. Additionally, the webinar will also explore the nature of conflict in general and specifically with a focus on impasse and not only what these are but what fuels their fire and how that fire it can be dampened and/or hopefully extinguished and the conflict resolved.

Webinar Objectives
  • Identify the benefits of resolving conflict.
  • Identify the nature and root causes of conflict.
  • Creating options/opportunity from conflict.
  • Identification and application of time and information.
  • Identification and application of the different (30+) types of power
  • Use of the Art of Questions
  • Use of the Art of Listening
  • Use of a formal process of third party
Webinar Agenda
  • The nature, definition, and characteristics of “conflict” and “Impasse.”
  • The use of “TIP” (or Time, Information, and Power)
    1. Time
      • The power of patience
    2. Information
      • The Power of Questions
      • The Lost Ancient Art of Listening 
    3. Power (using, not abusing it)
  • Fact Finding
    1. With and without recommendation
  • Mediation
    1. Facilitative
      • Interest based (IBB/IBN)
    2. Directive
    3. Selection of Mediator
      • Qualifications/Neutrality
  • Arbitration
    1. Final and binding
      • Acceptance of award
    2. Non-binding/ Advisory
    3. Interest Arbitration
    4. Rights Arbitration
    5. Selection of Arbitrator
      • Qualifications/Neutrality
  • Hybrids
    1. Med-Arb
    2. Med-Arb-Med
  • Becoming a Conflict Resolver
Webinar Highlights

Participants will have an increased understanding of and be better able incorporate into their negotiating skill set the following:

  1. Conflict resolution philosophy, approach and standards.
    • Win-Win v Win-Lose
    • Interest based
  2. Facilitative v directive
  3. Use of time, information and power.
  4. The elements and use of the following types of “power.”
    • Legitimacy
    • Competition
    •  Weakness/helplessness
    •  Risk taking
    •  Patience
    •  Commitment
    •  Investment
    • Teamwork
    • Expertise
    • Identification
    • Respect/dignity
    • Needs v interests
    • Reward and consequences
    • Traveling
    • Honesty, sincerity and integrity
    • Trust
    • Imagination/creativity
    • Courtesy
    • Feedback
    • Permission
    • Instinct
    • Persistence/tenacity
    • Morality/ethics
    • Precedent
    • Attitude
  5. The elements and use of the skills and strategies for:
    • Persuasive capacity
    • The arts of questions and listening
    • Proper use of “yes”, “no” and “perhaps.”
    • Use of agendas (both apparent and hidden).
    • Dealing with denial
    • Bundling/packaging
  6. What can (and probably might) go wrong and how to fix it.
    • “Supposals” v proposals.
    • Impasse.
    • Mediation.
    • Interest arbitration.
    • Tentative agreement(s).
    • Communication glitches.
  7. Memorializing the resolution.
Who Should Attend

All levels of :-

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Human Resources
  • Employee Relations
  • Labor Relations
  • Attorney’s
  • Union Officers/Representatives/Union Stewards
  • All levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff
  • All public and private sector organizations and professional organizations such as SHRM, IPMA-HR, NPELRA
  • All professional HR
  • Management associations
  • Anyone who recognize that conflict in their work and lives has required use of resources that could better be used elsewhere to enhance their lives and experiences.
Bob Oberstein

Bob Oberstein

Bob Oberstein’s conflict resolution experience encompasses the areas of workplace, human resources, discrimination, employee and labor relations, education, consumer, construction, commercial, family, civil and community from two party to multi-party disputes in both the public and private sectors.

Bob holds a certification in workplace mediation from and has mediated workplace disputes for the past thirty (30) years. Bob also currently serves as a Certified Practitioner Mediator for the Snohomish, Skagit and Island Counties Dispute Resolution Center (DRC), mediating disputes in Family, Small Claims and Civil Court on-line as well as in person. Bob also…

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