HIPAA Today: The Top FAQs You Need to Know and Why to Stay Out of Trouble

January 08, 2025
01:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT
60 Mins
Mark Brengelman

This advanced webinar provides an overview of the federal regulatory process of notice and comment rulemaking that creates the HIPAA rules for covered entities.  We next focus on the history of HIPAA and its lasting legacy as amended from time to time.  This webinar focuses on HIPAA as applied to the individual health care practitioner, who is a covered entity.

Health care practitioners need to know the top issues currently in HIPAA compliance so as to follow federal and state law, where applicable.  With the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) promulgating frequent updates to HIPAA, this webinar will skim over the interaction of federal laws with those state laws, especially state licensure laws of the health care professional.

From years of research, reporting, and writing by the HHS, the remainder of the webinar will detail the top Frequently Asked Questions health care practitioners need to know.

Erase the fear, uncertainty, and doubt about what specifically you need to know about the top issues of HIPAA compliance today’s health care practitioners face.

Webinar Highlights

This presentation will address the problem areas of HIPAA sanctions and financial penalties a covered entity can avoid or mitigate.

  • Introduction to federal regulatory process-notice and comment rulemaking
  • Overview of HIPAA
  • HIPAA and state licensure law-preemption of state law
  • Authorizations
  • Business associates
  • Disclosures for law enforcement purposes
  • Disclosure in emergency situations
  • Disclosures otherwise required by law
  • Judicial and administrative proceedings
  • Special issues in mental health
  • Telehealth
  • Conclusion:  avoiding risk and liability with best practices
Who Should Attend

Health care attorneys; corporate compliance officers in health care; medical records staff of medical offices and health care entities; hospital attorneys; health care practitioners who are covered entities; law enforcement officers in health care compliance; state boards and agencies with jurisdiction over state licenses to practice a health care profession

Mark Brengelman

Mark Brengelman

Mark holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Philosophy from Emory University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky.  Retiring as an Assistant Attorney General, he now represents: Health care professionals Two government ethics commissions, and Parents and kids in confidential child abuse and neglect cases, termination of parental rights, and adoption proceedings. Mark is a frequent continuing education presenter including national organizations around the country. He helps his clients navigate the law and ethics and make the rules understandable as applied to them. Mark has worked for all three branches of government and now a municipality with the…

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